145134 | Julias Yangisoni


My father is a non-believer and my mother is a Christian. My father has always been against my mother's faith. My father wanted me to follow him and would warn me about the faith of my mother. My mother would tell me about Jesus Christ. When my father was gone, she would bring the pastor to me. One day the pastor asked me if I were to die tomorrow, would I go to heaven or hell? He told me about how Jesus defeated death and how death has no hold on those who are in Christ. Soon after my grandfather passed away, this was very painful for me. The question the pastor had asked me came to mind. I realized my grandfather was in hell because he was without Jesus. This thought increased my pain. After his burial, I went to the pastor and surrendered my life to Jesus Christ and accepted Him as my Lord and Savior.

I no long have fear because Jesus is my Lord! As I grew in my walk with the Lord, I developed spiritual gifts which were so prominent that everyone in the church was able to see. When the pastor of our church left the people chose me to take his place. That was the beginning of my call to ministry.

ID #145134 | Julias Yangisoni


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