145147 | Jacob Mashili


I was born in a Christian family but even as a young boy I was involved in many carnal things such as lying to my parents, fighting, and other sinful things with my friends. However, God was drawing me to Himself. Later as I was attending church I felt the Holy Spirit witnessing to my heart that I was not converted. One Sunday service, the sermon touched my heart. I surrendered my life to Christ by repenting through the blood of Jesus.

After becoming a Christian the Holy Spirit gave me the power to overcome temptation and the power to serve Christ. My pastor helped me to grow in my spiritual life. He helped me to discover true happiness. I now depend entirely on God’s hand in times of sickness, loneliness, and rejection. I learned that I am not alone under the almighty power of Jesus. As I grew in the Lord my passion to tell others increased. In time I felt the call of the Lord upon my life. After receiving my training I began to serve the Lord as a pastor. I enjoy serving the Lord in God’s field. I thank you for your prayers and support as I minister and share the gospel in my country.

ID NUMBER #145147 | Jacob Mashili


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