150107 | Zwelani Gqoka


When I was growing up I had problems with ulcers. There was no help for the pain. I wanted anything that would save me from the pain. One day, a man of God came to our school. He told me that without Jesus in my life, I was a sinner and would never see the kingdom of God but would go to eternal suffering in hell. He said Jesus could forgive sins, heal sickness, and be a good friend. When he gave the altar call, I stood up and made a decision to receive Jesus into my life. I was healed, and now I am free. I am happy with the assurance I have now that I am a friend of God.

I began to be involved in ministry, like preaching, evangelism, and visiting the sick. I felt a burden to serve the Lord. This was confirmed by others while visiting a neighboring area. I prayed through and through concerning serving God full-time. At the right time I was released to the ministry. I am working hard to see many come to know Jesus, and am looking forward to seeing God accomplish many great and wonderful things for His kingdom.

ID #150107 | Zwelani Gqoka


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