148444 | Benimana Jean


I was born in a pagan family. I grew up without any spiritual education. As a teenager I did many bad things. I was a drinker, a fighter, used drugs, and violated girls. Because of these things I was imprisoned and was neglected by people. As I suffered in prison my desire was to change, but I didn’t know how. Later I searched out a Pastor who told me about Jesus Christ. I confessed my sins and believed in Jesus Christ to be my Lord and Savior. The Pastor continued teaching me, and I was later baptized. After that, everyone was astonished to see the changes in me. I abandoned beer, drugs and quarreling, and I began to respect girls.

As a new Christian, I began to hunger and thirst for the Word of God. Loving people and showing mercy became a part of my life. I shared the love of God with others. I quickly became involved in my church. After receiving training for the ministry, I began teaching, evangelizing, working as a deacon, and later as a Pastor. My desire is to serve God with all my life. Thank you for partnering in ministry with us!

ID NUMBER # 148444 | Benimana Jean


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