148036 | Mulongo Banza


I was born into an ungodly family. My religion focused on magic practices. I believed spirits would give me power and protection. When I was a young adult, my country began to fight an independence war. My family was forced to flee to refugee camps. Upon returning home, my uncle came and asked me to accompany him to church. The preacher’s message was “salvation by and in the only name, Jesus Christ.” He focused on life after death. The realization of life after death touched my heart. I remembered a Christian friend I had who was killed in the war. Tears flooded my eyes as I realized he was living life once more. When the preacher gave a call to repentance, I could barely stand. I declared loudly that I accepted, and believed in Jesus as my Lord and Savior.

From that day, my wicked ways ceased. My mother soon became sick and was close to death. I prayed over her, and led her to the Lord. God healed her, and changed her. The same happened with my daddy. I then realized the calling on my life. The church also recognized my calling, and sent me to Bible college. After I finished my studies, I became a pastor. From that day on, I have continued to work for the Lord.

ID #148036 | Mulongo Banza


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