150127 | James Dube


I was raised in a non-Christian family that worshipped ancestral spirits. This led me to become an idol worshiper. My grandfather was a traditional healer and I was also involved in that activity. I had an eye problem for almost four years. My grandfather tried his healing methods but he failed to help me. Other traditional healers and doctors were also unable to help. I was willing to try anything to receive healing. One day a friend invited me to go to a crusade. That night I received Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. Since that day my eye problem was miraculously healed. I realized that Jesus was the true Healer. My pain is what led me to seek God in my life and I’m so glad it did. I began to trust God with everything in my life.

In so doing, I have seen God do many wonderful things. My pastor helped me to grow spiritually. I sensed God calling me to teach and to help people become grounded in the Word of God. I received my Bible training and am now serving the Lord. It is my desire to work hard for Him and see the Lord accomplish wonderful things.

ID NUMBER # 150127 | James Dube


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